Now that Honey's moved out of Derek's house, I decide to take her out to celebrate.

We're trying to have dinner but we're continually harrassed by this violin player. I cannot hate him more.

As usual, Sarah Jessica Parker is perched at a nearby table, not even pretending to eat or be on a date. She clearly just wants to hover.

I take Honey out for a game of pool after.

And of course she's thinking about toilets again, what's wrong with this family?

I catch her out by the port-a-potty and ask her if she wants to come home with me. Isn't it romantic?

So we go back to my place and watch "Knight Rider" on TV.

I give her a huge kiss in the bathroom and Honey is so pissed off she falls out of love with me.

(Once you hit 70 in the lifetime score, you'll get a red heart and are in love. You can lose it just as quickly if you drop below 70.)

I try to make it up to her by giving her flowers.

But when I kiss her goodnight she shoves me off. Bitch.
So I'm back to where I was before Honey moved out. I'm getting tired of her mood swings and my joblessness is getting out of hand. I need to get a job before I run out of money. I decide to let Honey pursue me if she's interested and let it go if she isn't.

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