The whole neighborhood is talking about this party.

This is Nick and Michael and Nick's sister, Sam. She's staying with them awhile and is looking for love. Unfortunately, she's kinda a bitch so it's hard to meet people.

Closeted Steve and his long-suffering boyfriend, David.

They live in the city.

(Every once in awhile I get tired of all the suburban yards and lawns and crap and long for the city. The closest I can get is by paving my lawn with concrete.)

This is Joe Blow, his wife Yvette and their daughter Boo.

(How did I give Joe a hairy chest and tighty whities for PJs? If you care about this crap, click here.)

So Honey calls up the neighborhood and let's 'em know the party is on. The chick with the red shirt is Eileen—Jill the slut's girlfriend.

(I usually don't bother with the caterer, in one night you may have to refill the fountain and the table once. And as an added bonus you don't have him wandering around telling you your party stinks.)

These guys, all part of some long jacket kinda gang, took over the bathroom for a bit and talked about how much they hate Sheila.

(Throwing parties is always a trial because of the bathroom thing. I used to put in all these stalls and porta-potties and they'd all fight of the same stall anyway. So I use "move_objects on" to clear it out when it's a problem. It's easier.)

Jill's starts flirting with Derek as soon as Eileen leaves.

Steve tells Sheila that David is sleeping on the sofa while he looks for work. He's an old friend that used to date his sister. Yeah.

I run into Toilet Girl and she's telling me how she hates Nick. Steve is in the background flirting with Jill. His paranoia is matched by her indiscriminate lust.

Derek and Jill pick up where they left off and Honey and I watch "Castaway."
Ah, look at that, she made it. Or does she just like to sit in there?
Sheila is getting completely shitfaced drunk.

(These party crashers show up occasionally and they usually break everything they touch. As soon as you see them, kick 'em out.)
She must be really loaded, now she's making out with Jill!
I crash on the sofa.
And wake up to find Sheila passed out on the floor in the bathroom. Come back and see what is UP with Sheila, if Honey and Moo will move in together and if Steve will get some counseling before David leaves him.

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