What is Sheila up to?

After a couple of hours and 9 whisky sours, Sheila begins to think Jill isn't going to show. She decides to leave.

And who does she run into on the street.

She starts off with giving Jill a diamond ring.

Now Jill has to at least be nice to her.

Sheila naturally mistakes friendliness for lust.

Jill, still mollified by the 3 carat rock in her pocket, tells Sheila to calm down and suggests they have a drink.

Jill explains that she was shitfaced drunk at that party and doesn't even remember kissing Sheila.

Sheila grabs her says it went something like this.

Jill's over this whole thing. Cute people are lining up at the pinball machine and she's wasting her time with this one. She tells Sheila that she isn't in love with her.

But... but....

Oh hell no.
Exhausted, Jill breaks down and feels sorry for herself. Why does this crap always happen to her?
She is done.

When Sheila gets back home she finds out she's been assigned a full-time maid, her name is Jane.

(I got the Maid outfit and turned it into clothes, see my technotes on how to do that.)

This is her place.

(This is a little room I built in Sheila's back yard. Since it has no phone, bathroom or kitchen, it's really just a literally separate bedroom.)

Now that she gets that her & Jill are really over, Sheila decides to take up drinking as a hobby.
It's going really well.
She's an angel when she's sleeping.
Jane's first night on the job. She would quit her job and stay at the Women's Shelter but what would be the point?


Will Sheila sober up before she burns the house down?

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