Costume Loft party deux

We are all so over him.

Rex is chatting up the stripper, or vice versa.
And Jean-Paul is watching the whole thing.

He goes over and gives Rex a smack!

Drew Carey is pretending he's not listening to every word of this while Rex screams and cries.

Two seconds later, the stripper and Rex are at it again. Drew Carey wisely steps out of the way.

He smacks him again!

Jean-Paul is crushed. He cannot believe that Rex would do this.

He pulls himself together and kicks this tramp out.

He finds Rex and tells him to remember how good it was when they were eating pizza off the floor here? Rex is furious that he was slapped, twice, in front of someone that has a publicist. I'm soaking it all up in the background.

Rex tells Jean-Paul that it's over. I decide now would be a good time to go thru the medicine cabinets.


Is it really over?

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