I decide to get out of the house and do some grocery shopping, hoping to meet someone. Typically, the grocery store is deserted.

Jamocha Almond Fudge... "What are you looking at? Don't judge me."

"So when do you get off work?"

"My dad's coming to get me at 4 and then we're going to see The Incredibles on Ice!"

::cough:: "Gimme my ice cream little girl."

Hey, here are some people.

"Have we met on Simmetry or Lesbians who Are Pathetic? You look really familiar."

"We may have, my online photo makes me look a lot cuter."

"I think it was Simmetry, you look familiar too."
"But you were wearing a different hat."

"Yeah, whatever. Hey, would you like to come over sometime, I could make some drinks and order a pizza."

"Sure, later. Call me."


Finally Moo has a date.

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