Blackout! |
Due to some snafu, there is a blackout over the entire northeast. All transportation comes to a halt. |
I have to walk for 10 miles to get home and I'm tired and stinky. |
I can't even make it in the house. Honey comes out to help me in. |
She can barely see her forearms it's so dark. |
I go to bed. |
Honey's found some menorahs that we weren't using. |
The next day I decide to stay home rather than walk in. We're forced to eat cans of beans since we have no stove and all of our lettuce is rotting in the heat. (Actually, without a stove you would be able to make salads as long as there's a counter to prepare the food. To get beans, you have to have a refrigerator with no counters.) |
Honey decides to clean while I read. |
In a fit of boredom, we decide to play charades. I'm clearly doing the "Shake Your Tailfeather" dance from the Tina Turner bio "What's Love Got To Do With It?" For someone so interested in film, Honey is clueless. |
We're so completely bored we take a nap in the middle of the day. |
Around 6:30pm, the lights come on. |
We are doing a happy dance we're so thrilled. |
I'm so happy to have my TV back that I don't care what we're watching. |
Come back and see how everyone else survived the blackout of '03. |
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