What about everyone else? |
Toilet Girl, I mean Honey Pot, I mean Ash, was home safe with all the things that really matter to her. |
Steve & David climbed on top of their hangovers with a six pack of beer and decided to get into couples couseling. |
Back at Sheila's, Grandma's staying at the Women's Shelter but she's getting tired of finding Sheila drunk all over the house. |
If she's going to be cleaning up after this drunken bitch every day, they better invite her to the next party. |
Cathy tells Grandma she's going to report Sheila for constant drunkeness. |
Sheila wakes up to her Bloody Mary and decides to change her look if that's all Jill cares about. |
This looks like something Eileen would wear. |
Over cocktails with Natural, Honey's sister, she explains her love problems. |
After she collapes on Nat... |
...she passes out on the sofa. |
She has a highball with Nat and tells her she's going to go downtown and win over her woman. |
She dumps the white nightgown and goes for the sexy lingerie. |
The search is on.
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