I feel today's going to be the day we have a baby. And give me $15, I wanna go to Starbucks before I go to my crappy job. |
Of course, the minute I leave they call. Honey says yes. (I did nothing special to get this call, no hundreds of kisses or love bed. I guess they had been together long enough to warrant a call.) |
She names her Brooklyn. Brooklyn NYC. |
Ahhh. (When you have a baby (or adopt) the crib materializes wherever you happen to be standing at the time.) |
(Use the "move_objects on" cheat to move the crib out of the way. Don't put it in some unused bedroom or outside, put it where you'll be sure to hear it.) |
Oy, she just sat down. (For 3 sim days you will have this squalling crib. The baby cries every 5 hours or so, so you can't both go to work. Make sure at least one person (kids take care of babies too) is home everyday.) |
Hmmm, I do feel like singing and I'd like to play Halo right now, but, hmm, maybe I should feed her first. (These are your 3 options when the baby cries.) |
(This is the secret to baby rearing. Feed sing feed sing feed sing. You only need to do these things, in this order. You can play with the baby if you want but it doesn't have any literal affect on the baby, but it may make your sim feel better. This is it, as long as you get to the kid before it cries too long and do these 6 things, that is it.) |
So Honey is an adorable mother now. |
I come home and am thrilled and relieved we finally have a baby altho who knows if it's even mine. I go to work and come home to this? |
I'm an adorable mom too. |
This kid should get an IV it needs so much milk. |
Honey's a nervous wreck she won't hear the baby if she's in the bedroom so she falls asleep on the sofa. (If your sim is tired but you don't want to miss the baby cry, sleep in the same room as the crib, it will force you awake. If you've just fed the baby and now you're exhausted, go to bed rather than sleep on the sofa. You'll get energy faster and more efficiently.) |
With a new baby, I need to build a new room. I look into taking out another loan. |
Oh the hell with it. (The rosebud cheat. Every !; is $1000. So this is $11,000. The 0 at the end is another trick. If you add a character to the end of the !; string it will tell you "Sorry, no such cheat." but your cash will go up. So hit return several times, then delete the character, hit return again, and you'll have $300K in less than a minute.) |
Honey is like "what?" |
She doesn't even look like me. |
Isn't nature magical? (These colorful balls and confetti signify the metamorphosis from crib to kid. Like you do.) |
What the hell is she wearing! Red cowboy boots?! Who dressed her? |
(Kids arrive pretty green except for social. This is especially nice when you consider everyone in the family is exhausted and sleeping when the kid arrives, usually in the middle of the night.) |
So this is her room. (I got the kid's room stuff--the end table, desk and chair next to it--from Secret Sims. I put the dog bed in there too, I like having kids if you have a pet. They'll play with the pet more than you will. Also, give them their own bathroom and give 'em a tub, not a shower. Kids are incapable of taking a shower without covering the entire floor in water.) |
So she's soaking up her new room. I gave her that shitty PC so we could get the Mac we've longed for. |
When I get home I have a special little talk with her. I let her know that she isn't spending one night in this house until she changes her godawful clothes. Goodnight, sweetie! |
Please help her. |
Honey goes in and tucks her in and kisses her good night. (I love this bed. It looks exactly like the regular kid's bed but it is "tuck in" enabled. Without this bed, your adult sim would tuck in his kids only if he were high in nice points and in the mood, you couldn't make him do it. With this bed, which I got from Cheapfrills, you can click on the headboard and "Tuck in" whenever you feel like it.) |
Now they have a kid, why do they want it? How will this affect their relationship? |
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