So Dr. Brian observes her behavior.

He takes notes.

And thinks about the case.

He tells Jane she's completely wacko.

Jane's like duh.

"But, hey, we can fix this! This is nothing!"

Jane tells him everything, how it all started at the party, Jill, the humiliation, the drinking and now this.
He promises to look it up on the internet some time next week.
Jane says she can do that herself.
But it is kinda nice having Sheila cut down on the rat problem around the shelter. Why rush?

Jane goes to bed that night fretting about Sheila.
Sheila gets up that morning sober for the first time in weeks and has her first lucid moment.
She tells Jane she's been depressed but she thinks she's going to be better now.
Jane is so relieved.
How often does a girl clean her own litter box?


Is Sheila really cured? Does Jane have to pay Brian for doing almost nothing?

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