So Honey goes over to Carrie's house.

She tells Carrie that we just broke up.

After dinner, Carrie shows Honey her new bathing suit in the kitchen. Like you do. Then tells her she just heard Big come in.

Honey runs into Big in the bathroom and tells him she just came over for dinner. Big's like, but you're leaving now, right?

(I got the mirror at secretsims)

So Carrie's like see ya.

Big asks Carrie what she did all day.

Carrie thinks about Moo & Honey's problem.

And thinks it would make a good column, "And Baby Makes Grief."

(I got the hanging metal kitchen shelves from ikbods. Notice they're invisible from the other side. I love that.)

When Honey gets home she tells Brooklyn that it isn't her fault, but since they had her she & Moo are fighting all the time. But Moo still kinda likes her so she's sure she'll send her to a nice military school.

Brooklyn asks Honey if she's an alien.
Is Honey an alien?

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