I go downtown and run into this guy and ask him where the gay bars are. |
He tells me to go to the girl bar in the French Quarter. (You can make a bar for men or women only by using the bathroom doors as your outside entrance doors.) |
The women in here are HOT. |
This girl's cute, I chat her up a bit. (To get someone to date you, you need to talk and joke, but don't compliment, flirt or ask them out before you get to at least 13 on the social meter. Otherwise, they'll spot you as the pathetic needy girl you really are.) |
She craves a cheeseburger. (As soon as they agree to date you, ask them how they are. 9 times out of 10, they want food but sometimes they want to watch TV, play soccer and dance.) |
So I take her out to eat. Her name is Ash Blonde. |
She tells me right away that she's gay. (Don't cuddle or play footsie with your date unless you're in love or the date is going extremely well. Check the diamond over her head. Even if you're both in love, your girlfriend will shove you off of her if you get frisky before she's purple enough.) |
I can't help myself, I just love this girl. (Once you get to 70 on the social meter, any interaction that's at all flirtatious will give you a pink heart and vice versa.) |
After dinner, I give her some roses. |
Which causes her to instantly fall in love with me. Like they do. |
I kiss her goodbye while Sarah Jessica Parker looks on. She should take a picture, it lasts longer. |
Of course she does. |
Straight girls. She couldn't wait for my girlfriend to leave so she could apply makeup? :::cough::: jealous! :::cough:::
Come back later for the further adventures of Moo and Ash. Will they get together? Will Sarah Jessica Parker get over me and realize that I just don't do straight girls? Will I ever play with my dog now that I have a girlfriend? We'll see....
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