Rex cannot believe his eyes...

"Are you kidding me? A tiki dining table with chairs from Staples?!"

"This is just sad."

"Are you for serious?? An elephant end table with a lava lamp and hot balloon wall paper?"

"Maybe that oil lamp will set that hay bale on fire and it might burn that 100% polyester bed spread if we're lucky."

"They don't have enough money in the world for this."


Rex tells Alex it's a huge job and he'll need somewhere around 11 million dollars and he may have to sleepover.

Jack tells Rex to leave his room alone, he thinks it's nice. Rex is incredulous.

Jack hates Rex. He must be the straight one regardless of how many times we see him cream his elbows.

Rex asks Jack "What's Granny doing on the floor?" Jack tells Rex she likes it and to shut up.

Tommy calls Rex a cab. Rex tells Tommy that installing the wall phone in the window is a nice touch and what are these hellish doors and wallpaper?

And Rex shakes on the deal with Alex. Work will start immediately.


Find out what happens...

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