What's up with Rex?

Despite the house full of Hotties that are after Rex, he's lonely.

He hops on the cable car to go downtown.

He gets stopped in the street by this woman, "Bon jour, I am new in town, where is le Starbucks?"

"Ahhh, oui, le Starbucks. Don't I wish. Au revoir, madamoiselle."

She is new in town. Her name is Genievieve Belissimo (they're French).
Jeanne, Claudine, Gen, Louis and some neighbor.
Marie likes to work on the Harleys.
And SJP has already discovered them and thrown food on their floor.

But, back to Rex. His lonliness has driven him to online chat rooms, but even this is unfulfilling.

He decides to get a dog.

Poodles? please.

He does want a white dog but at the last minute his worry about spilling red wine on it keeps him looking.

He picks this one and calls him "Pickles" after his favorite character on the "Dick Van Dyke" show.

He has them deliver the dog next week and stops in a bar feeling much better about everything. But wait, who is that?!


Find out who he is...

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