The next morning...

I call Rex and ask him to meet me downtown for breakfast.

He's real busy.

"So, is she gay or straight?"

I tell him the whole thing, how one minute she seemed gay and the next she seemed straight. I even asked her and all she said was "I don't like labels." Rex says label talk means you're completely gay. But then I told him how she asked me out but then started talking about plane food. Maybe she is gay but I don't think she's that into me.

He still won't do the stakeout with me and I'm out of ideas.

"Well, I'll invite her to the party and we'll see what happens there. Are you coming?"

"Yes, and I'm bringing Jean-Paul." Well, duh.

Only if you wait for 45 minutes on my front lawn while I clean the house.

"Ohmigod! That's her!" I scream. "Where?!" Rex screams. "That woman in the turtleneck? I normally despise turtlenecks, but she is super cute!"
"Moo? Is that you?"



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