The next day I ask Rex if he's wants to go to the movies with me. |
We get a latte and a cappucino before the movie. |
I ask him what's new with him and he says that Jean-Paul is going to be staying with him until the loft is done. I'm so happy for him. And so jealous. |
Then he tells me, "Don't turn around, but Spike is right behind you. Don't turn around!" |
So we run over to the Indian restaurant just to be safe. He wants me to tell him what happened with Simone at the party. |
I told him she was playing with Jack all night and then when Spike starts talking to me she gets all jealous. We weren't even kissing! I hope Simone isn't one of these people who want to have their cake and keep me from eating it too. |
"So, is she straight?" Who knows, but I decide to make a date with her, go somewhere nice, give her roses etc. then I'm going to be very clear where I am and I want her to do the same. Only if that doesn't work will I resort to writing a note and putting it in her locker. |
"What's that all about?" I tell him that I wanted to make her jealous because I was so desperate to see where she stood. And her canoodling with Jack was pissing me off. The whole thing was so seventh grade I'm ashamed of myself and I want to do the adult thing. |
Speaking of the adult thing, we see Jill is here. Alone for a change. |
I tell him the whole "Sheila thought she was a cat!" story. |
Rex says they're gonna have a housewarming/halloween party at the loft next week so I need to think of a costume. I hope Sheila comes as a cat. |
Is Rex as sick of Simone as everyone else is? What kind of woman is Moo looking for? |
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