When we last saw Honey she'd broken up with Derek and was sleeping on the sofa.

She goes over to the Women's Shelter and meets Sheila who invites her to stay as long as she wants.

Honey thanks her for letting her crash.

As upset as she is about the whole Derek and Moo thing, nothing is more important than pizza.

She stays up late watching Lifetime for Women TV movies and falls asleep on the sofa.

(I got a visitor patch fromC&C and it lets visitors stay indefinitely)

The next day Honey is bored and wondering what to do with her life. The Women's Shelter is fine but Sheila's kind of a bitch and there's nothing to do here.

Oh, look who showed up. Derek's "girlfriend", Jill. Honey is telling her how she gets a grande latte from Starbucks every single day, she doesn't care how much they cost, blissfully unaware that Jill is seeing Derek. Sheila is so desperate to listen in on their conversation she is standing in the living room while she eats.

They're chatting away, having lunch.

Jill corners Honey in the bathroom with some random guy and a cat and tells her she's having boyfriend problems.

(The visitor patch is like having a party 24/7--anyone and everyone wanders in and eats your food.)

Then Jill makes a move on Honey.

And Honey flirts right back! Even the cat is shocked.
Then this guy in overalls shows up and Jill is immediately distracted as they both show off their biceps. Really, she can't help herself.
Sheila tells Honey she should leave Jill alone since she's a giant slut and think about what she's done.
Doesn't Sheila have work to do?
Will Honey move into the Women's Shelter with creepy Sheila? Will she cheat on Moo and Derek with Jill? Will Jill sleep with everyone in town?

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