What about everyone else?

Toilet Girl, I mean Honey Pot, I mean Ash, was home safe with all the things that really matter to her.

Steve & David climbed on top of their hangovers with a six pack of beer and decided to get into couples couseling.

Back at Sheila's, Grandma's staying at the Women's Shelter but she's getting tired of finding Sheila drunk all over the house.

If she's going to be cleaning up after this drunken bitch every day, they better invite her to the next party.

Cathy tells Grandma she's going to report Sheila for constant drunkeness.

Sheila wakes up to her Bloody Mary and decides to change her look if that's all Jill cares about.

This looks like something Eileen would wear.

Over cocktails with Natural, Honey's sister, she explains her love problems.

After she collapes on Nat...

...she passes out on the sofa.
She has a highball with Nat and tells her she's going to go downtown and win over her woman.
She dumps the white nightgown and goes for the sexy lingerie.
The search is on.


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