Moving out deux

Alright, you really need to move out today because you're cutting into my french action. I can't think about Simone and getting a new job with you hanging around here.

Look, here's something. "Dull, small studio apartment at 1 Sim Lane. Semi-furnished. No mirrored walls. $948/mo. Absentee landlord. 5 months rent required with credit check and letters of reference. Pets okay." Sounds perfect!

"But where will the party be if I move out?" Party? Oh, that. "Well, it'll be here. You can come over whenever I decide to have it. You can bring your little friends from work. You have friends, right?"

We grab a cab and race over to the apartment before it's snatched off the market.

I called Honey on my cell and told her to meet us there.

Honey tells Brooklyn "She's been wearing those clothes every day for 7 months!"

Isn't that cute how they're bonding? I hate both of you.

What a dump. I mean "It's perfect!"

I tell her I think she should take it. Look, even Honey loves it.
So Brooklyn makes herself useful.
I'm trying to make conversation while these two sit here like sacks of potatoes.
I become so depressed by the filth and cheapness that Honey tries to cheer me up with a puppet. At least she knows me really well.
Just being in this apartment for 20 minutes makes me long for a shower. "Bye!" Honey is still confused over who this person is.
Brooklyn tries to give her a hug goodbye and Honey is having none of it.
She tells Brooklyn she isn't very good at this mother-daughter thing, but she'll work on it.

Even her dreams are dull.

Will Moo ever give Brooklyn a party? Did Honey mean it when she said she'd work on her relationship with Brooklyn? Why drums?

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