The aftermath.

After the party, I got up the next day in my same clothes. I get up everyday in my same clothes, but this time I felt dirtier than usual. Honey and I have become so comfortable around each other that I can pee straight thru my jeans while she's in the room. That is comfort.

(Once you're in love you can share the bathroom without shooing each other out.)

Shelia got up looking like shit. She is majorly hungover.

(That little shower in the corner is from wilfjones, it's visitor and non-privacy enabled so guests will use it and don't care who's in the room. If you have someone stay over for days, they never take showers. But my visiting sims do use this shower.)

I decide to leave, but give Honey a big kiss.

Sheila's a mean drunk and she's picking fights with Honey. She starts in on me as soon as I left.

Sheila decides to go see her new love, Jill. Knowing Jill is probably not interested in her, she pops over uninvited. Eileen is typically clueless.

Just after Jill explains that she couldn't be less interested in a drunken bitch like Sheila, she gives her a goodbye "don't call me again, you crazy bitch" hug. Unfortunately, Eileen, who was mopping up the bathroom, decides to walk in at that very moment.

She gives Sheila a smack and kicks her out of the house. She's used to it by now.

This happens so often it's hardly a blip on their screen.

David and Steve go home and have some dinner 'cause the food sucked at Sheila's.

While they're still a little drunk, David tells Steve he is sick of this whole closet thing and is repulsed by Steve flirting with that drunken Sheila.

Steve explodes over David flirting with Nick all night.

David retaliates that Nick is Steve's ex and if anyone should be upset about Nick it should be him.

They finally make up because it's morning now and they're exhausted.

David just can't make himself go to bed with Steve.

(If you fight enough you'll lose a lot of social points. Even though my David & Steve rating dropped from 100/100 to 33/55 with a red heart he wouldn't get into the same bed. You don't have to be in love but you do have to be "friends" with someone before you get into bed with them (just like real life, right?) so this is what they lose when they fight.)

He decides to sleep it off on the sofa.
Sheila comes back in an even more vile mood than when she left. She is so filled with rage over Jill that she tells Honey that if she doesn't stop seeing Moo...
she'll have to leave the house.
Honey had no plans to stay. She can't wait to move in with Moo anyway.

Come back and see if Honey moves, if Sheila sobers up and pulls herself together and if David can ever forgive Steve.

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