Over breakfast the next day I tell Honey I think I should get a job, since I owe the bank $20,000 and all. |
I get online and search out my prospects. (I made this lovely lamp myself, you can get it here.) |
Fantastic. I always wanted to be a golf caddy for the LPGA. |
Honey wonders what her role will be. (When I have a couple, I usually make one work and have the other do nothing but socialize to get and keep the friendships the working sim needs to advance.) |
Honey is a horrible friend. She hates my dog and is still in love with Derek. |
Other than Sheila, her only other possibilities are some random cat. |
She calls up her sister, Sandy (Sandy, Honey, Ash & Natural Blonde) who brings Sheila. |
Sheila is still pissed off about the postcard and tells Honey she blows. Honey tells her to get lost. |
I get home from work and watch TV with Sandy. Like Honey, she wants to be a director and feels a reality TV show about her would make a great show. |
She and my dog have had a little too much to drink and they pass out on the floor. |
I rouse her awake and she promptly passes out on my lawn. Is Honey's entire family a bunch of dysfunctional losers? |
When I get home from work the next day, I tell Honey I've been promoted to Convenient Store Clerk. |
I am super excited. Now I get to wear these really cool clothes and make big gulps. |
I head out for my first day on the job, tingling with excitement. |
Huh? What? Blackout!
See how Honey and Moo survive the blackout! |
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