What the hell is going on with Sheila?!

Jane is so concerned about Sheila that she goes to see Dr. Shrink.

She tells Dr. Brian that Sheila's been drunk for 3 weeks and now she thinks she's a cat.

"A what?????"

Dr. Brian and Jane have a cigarette to calm themselves down while he explains his rates, inquires about her insurance and tells her the whole Discover thing.

She thanks him and let's him know she'll contact him if things get out of hand.

When Jane gets home she finds Sheila playing in the garbage in the front yard.

(I turned Sheila into a cat with Simodifier.)

And eating her food out of a dog bowl.
And using a litter box!
While Sheila sits on her haunches watching cartoons, Jane pulls out the phone book and decides to call Dr. Brian right away.
"She is a full on freak, can you come over here right away?"

Oh. Well. Sure. No rush or anything. That sounds more important.
Over dinner he asks Jane what's up?


Did Dr. Brian even go to school? Can he help Sheila? Will Jane have to cut Sheila's nails before she ruins all their furniture? Find out next...

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