Who are all these new people?

These are the Hotties--Tommy, Alex, Jack and Robbie. Here's the thing, some of these guys are straight, isn't that an interesting twist.

They just moved in and they are getting an eyeful of the dump they rented.

Alex is like there is no way I'm going to sit on a balloon sofa.

They all immerse themselves in the phone book trying to find a good interior designer when Tiffany shows up.She claims to have an excellent sense of style and really knows her lacqured enamel cocktail tables.

Alex tells Brad to get his country ass out of here and take his wife with him.The place is hideous enough without their presence.

Bye bitch!

Luckily the phone rang just in time to pay for a makeover.

(When you first move in, phone calls are usually money calls. The Sims senses you need money. Don't answer the phone after 11:00 tho, it's always a prank call.)

The boys decide to call the one interior designer listed. Rex Designs.

Rex lives in a brownstone in Chelsea.

He just sat down to read "My Favorite Colors" by CoCo Channel.
When his phone rang, it was the Hotties asking if he'd come over for an estimate.

uh huh.

He changes for bed.

And goes to sleep knowing he has work tomorrow.


Oh, new people. What about Honey and Moo? But can anyone who sleeps in a "Frankie Says Relax" belly shirt and hello kitty underwear have anything to say about interior design?

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